5 Apr

9:30 am


10:30 am

Activities Room

S-Anon Auckland

S-Anon provides support to people whose lives and well-being have been affected by a loved one’s sex addiction. By bringing together people who share this common experience, members are better able to use the “tools” of the S-Anon program which include going to meetings, sharing with others, having a sponsor, reading S-Anon literature, and being of service to others in the program. The principles found in the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions allow us to develop spiritually as we are guided by the Higher Power of our understanding. We have found that earnestly working these steps, typically with the support of an S-Anon sponsor, can help us find peace, serenity, and even joy.

S-Anon is not a program for the sex addict, nor will it stop your loved one’s compulsive sexual behavior. In S-Anon, we begin to realize and accept that we are powerless over other people’s actions and that we can only change ourselves.

Your loved one needs to find their own path. In S-Anon, we learn to manage our own lives and begin our own journey of growth and healing. Along the way, we hear from and share our own experience, strength, and hope with others.

S-Anon Auckland